OpenX Ad Management Hosting

Serve ads quickly and easily with OpenX Ad management.


Serve ads quickly and make money easily with US web hosting for OpenX Ad management.

OpenX is a leading independent ad server in the industry. It has efficient tools that will help you earn money online through advertising, OpenX Market, third party ad networks like AdSense or direct ad sales. WebHost.US.Com offers most secure. reliable and affordable web hosting solutions for hosting OpenX ad management which is supported on all our shared, reseller, vps hosting and Dedicated Servers. We offer one-click auto-installer for OpenX ad management which can be done through the Script library available in the control panel.

OpenX Ad Management Hosting

OpenX hosting is a solution for the publishers who would like to manage online advertising campaigns professionally. OpenX ad server system provides you a platform to create and maintain advertising campaigns and is is flexible for your ad management and has many benefits.

Below are the Software, Scripts and Databases

  • PHP support
  • phpMyAdmin
  • MySQL database
  • Joomla CMS
  • OpenX Advertising management system
  • Drupal Content management platform

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